Belmadi denounces a premeditated blow…

After cancelling his press conference, Djamel Belmadi spoke to the media this afternoon before leaving for Constantine to begin the September internship.The national coach mentioned several points.

Initially planned at the national technical center of Sidi Moussa, then relocated to the Tunisian city Tabarka, the internship of the national selection will finally take place in Constantine.And this, following the intervention of the MJS, in a case that made much ink the end of the week.

In his statement to the Algerian media, the national coach commented on the poor state of the TNCโ€™s lawns.To say the least, he alluded to a premeditated coup. And for good reason, this is not the first time this has happened.

โ€œThe lawns of the Sidi Moussa TNC are in a bad state, and faced with this situation, we were forced to relocate the course. The question must be put to those responsible who are behind the deterioration of the state of the lawns of the TNC (โ€ฆ) In any case, this is not new, it is not the first time I have found the lawns of the TNC in poor condition.โ€ He declared.

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