Mouloudia Club d’Alger (MC Alger) : a century and two years of accomplishments in the Algerian and African football.

Mouloudia Club d’Alger (MCA) is an Algerian football club based in Algiers. it was founded on August 7, 1921. Abdelrahman Aouf, was the founder of the idea and the spiritual father of the team , now MCA Algiers is owned by Sonatrach, an Algerian state-owned oil and gas company. The current president of the club is Mohamed Hakim Hadj Redjem, and the head coach is Patrice Beaumelle .

the club hold a significant place in algerian football history by its numerous achievements, titles and honors over the years ;

– 07 Algerian league championships.

-08 of the Algerian Republic Cup.

-01 League Cup title.

-03 super cup
-01 CAF Champions League title in1976
– 02 Maghreb Cup titles

Mouloudia Club (MCA) has had many good players throughout its history, but the most capped player is Ali Bencheikh with 289 participation ,and The club’s all-time leading scorer is, abdessalam Bouseri with 164 goal in various competitions.

today, the club has a strong youth developement program to revitalize the team and bring back the competitive spirit that is why, MCA has recently called up several young and talented algerian feet.

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